Contact Us: 908-537-6043 Address: 2004 State Route 31, Suite 9, Clinton, NJ 08809

Freedom House
Foundations Increase Support for FH Mission and Program Expansion

Updated February 2023 - Grants are nearly double year-over-year as foundations increase their funding for the Freedom House mission and support the Recovery Can’t Wait capital campaign to expand new programs.
First-time grants from the William E. Simon Foundation, F.M. Kirby Foundation and Christ the King are supporting development of a new Family Afterward Program for women and children in Morristown while the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation sustained its $50,000 in funding for the Family Afterward Program in Trenton.
Provident Bank Foundation and Investors Bank Foundation continue to support Freedom House and program expansion with major grants supporting addiction recovery. Provident Bank Foundation increased funding support in their most recent funding award.

Provident Bank Foundation presents a major grant to President Peter Olsen (left), Executive Director Galindo King and Campaign Co-Chair Roger Egan during a tour of the Egan House residential recovery program in Morristown.
Freedom House Earns Three -Year
CARF Accreditation
Clinton, NJ — March 2024
CARF International announced that Freedom House has been accredited for a period of three years for its Outpatient Services in Clinton and Phillipsburg.
This accreditation decision represents the highest level of accreditation that can be given to an organization and shows the organization’s substantial conformance to the CARF standards. An organization receiving a Three-Year Accreditation has put itself through a rigorous peer review process. It has demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit its commitment to offering programs and services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality.
CARF is an independent, nonprofit accrediting body whose mission is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of the persons served. Founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, and now known as CARF International, the accrediting body establishes consumer-focused standards to help organizations measure and improve the quality of their programs and services.
To learn more about CARF visit

Golf Event Sells Out and
Raises over $300,000!
After a one-year hiatus due to COVID, Freedom House reinstated our leading fundraising event, the Annual Larry Grantham Charity Golf Event to a record attendance. The July 20th event at Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club sold out and raised a record $320,000 in support of our addiction treatment and recovery programs. The success of the golf classic is helping Freedom House reach even more individuals struggling with opioid and other substance abuse addictions as we continue to expand programs and services.
Sports celebrities and golf pros were paired with foursomes, and attendees competed in contests and vied for prizes throughout the event.
The day’s activities concluded with a luncheon program featuring an emotional testimonial from Stacey, who entered our Diane’s House residence homeless with an infant daughter. Fearing she would have to give up her baby for adoption, Stacey spoke of the safety and security provided at the residential program and the support of the staff in helping her to continue her recovery, reclaim her self-sufficiency and establish a path forward for her and her young daughter.
In Appreciation to our 2021 Event Sponsors

Congresswoman Sherrill
Dedicates The Egan
House in Morristown
Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill joined Freedom House to dedicate its newest substance abuse residential recovery program officially named The Egan House. The 15-bed facility provides a sober and supportive environment forindividuals to sustain their recovery.
The event was also the public launch of the nonprofit’s Recovery Can’t Wait Campaign, which helped establish funding forthis new program and will support development of a similar residential recovery program underway in Warren County. The growth and sustainability campaign also aims to replicate other successful Freedom Housemodel programs, including its Family Afterward residential program where women in recovery can reunite with their children in asupportive environment. In its initial phase, the campaign has raised $550,000 toward its $2.8 million goal.
The Egan House is dedicated in honor of the generosity of Campaign Co-Chair Roger Egan and his family in supporting the campaign with their gift to the new residence. “The Egan family is truly honored to be working with Freedom House in our community to help men, women and families overcome addiction,” said Egan during the unveiling of the plaque dedicating the newname.
First opened in February 2020 only weeks before COVID-19 emerged, FreedomHouse continued to accept admissions andprovide services at the new program throughout the pandemic. “We forged ahead in spite of the pandemic,” said Freedom HouseExecutive Director Galindo (Glen) King. “There is a critical shortage of addiction residential recovery programs, particularly those open to individuals regardless of their ability to pay, and we recognized that the pandemic would only exacerbate the need forthe services we provide.”
The new program provides a home-like setting for the 15 men residing here as they prepare to integrate back into society, The Egan House residents function as a family, sharing responsibilities and being accountable to each other, and to the program. FreedomHouse staff provide case management, recovery support services and on-site support with the goal of helping residents transition to independent living. The downtown Morristown location of the new program also provides access to area employment opportunities and public transportation.
King said that Freedom House is advancing recovery through the expansion of this type of recovery housing. “Research shows that one year is a critical point in recovery and twelve months of sobriety actually changes the brain and enhances aperson’s success for long-term, sustained recovery.”

Congresswoman Sherrill officiates at dedication of new residence with Christopher Treanor (I), Freedom House Trustee and Fundraising Committee Chair, and Roger Egan (r), for whom the new residence was named.
Unveiling The Egan House plaque are (from right) Freedom House Board Chair Peter Olsen; Roger Egan; Christopher Treanor, Freedom House Trustee and Fundraising Committee Chair, and Freedom House Executive Director Glenn King.
The Egan family at the unveiling of the program’s new name in their honor.
Freedom House $15,000 Major Grant
from The Provident Bank Foundation
Saving Hundreds from Addiction
Freedom House today announced the first quarter impact of a Major Grant in the amount of $15,000 from The Provident Bank Foundation to support the critical operations of our substance abuse and co-occurring treatment and recovery programs.
Freedom House was selected to receive the grant based on our models of success in helping as many as 700 individuals annually to overcome addiction and to access services regardless of their ability to pay for outpatient or residential treatment and recovery. The Foundation’s grant is also supporting the expansion of our services with the development of a new residential recovery program in 2021.
Group Donates Food & Masks
to Freedom House 2020

Parent to Parent Addiction Services, Inc., in Warren County has a solid reputation as a non-profit organization that is helping individuals and families coping with addiction issues throughout the region. Parent to Parent offers a variety of services including support group interaction and acting as a conduit for those seeking expanded services by connecting them with all levels of care needed.
While the organization itself relies on donations, including financial support, it often goes beyond its scope of services to directly impact other equally as important groups in one way or another. That is exactly what Parent 2 Parent recently did when it donated gourmet food in partnership with Chefs Table Tuttobenne of Whitehouse Station, and the homemade masks courtesy of the Hunterdon County group “Frontline Angels Seam Team”, to the Freedom House Rehabilitation Center in Glen Gardner.
The residents at Freedom House were thrilled to accept the catered dinner, which was delivered over Memorial Day Weekend, and the much-needed masks (for residents and staff).
Freedom House and Parent to Parent have been working together to assist and help each other get more individuals into detox and long-term recovery and help them reclaim their lives.